NEW! 2018 International Building Code® (IBC) Quick-Card by Builder's Book, Inc.
ISBN 10- 162270180X ISBN 13-978-1-62270-181-0
In this unique quick-reference guide, a single, 6-page laminated card, you get most of the new International Building Code essentials that you need to know, based on the current 2018 IBC.
- Foundations & Footings
- Floor Framing
- Wall Framing
- Roof Framing
- Interior Environment
- Means of Egress
- Means of Egress - Stairways
- Fire & Smoke Protection
- Exterior Wall Coverings
ISBN 10- 162270180X ISBN 13-978-1-62270-181-0

International Building Code (IBC) 2018 Quick-Card